Redevelopment          Participants         Residents          919.831.8300

Since 1938

Raleigh Housing Authority

Providing safe, quality, affordable housing to
low- and moderate-income families in the greater Raleigh community.

Housing Assistance

Raleigh Housing Authority (RHA) provides
decent, safe rentals and housing vouchers for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

Public Meetings

RHA holds regular meetings with our board of commissioners and other departments.

Communities & Developments

Learn more about our existing neighborhoods and upcoming developments for current and future residents.

Serving Greater Raleigh Communities

Housing Assistance Programs

Public Housing

From scattered single-family houses to high-rise apartments, RHA residents will live in communities where they and their households have the opportunity to thrive.

Voucher Programs

The Housing Choice and Project-Based Voucher programs help very low-income households afford private market rental housing that is decent, safe, and sanitary. 


RHA’s Strategic Plan aims for creating at least 2,000 more affordable units and partnerships by 2028.

Creating Vibrant, Economically Diverse Communities of High Opportunity

Raleigh Housing Authority has been serving the greater Raleigh area since 1938. We strive to continually maximize RHA’s Organizational Health to ensure our ability to thrive through challenges.


Total Units


Individuals Served

$40 Million

Annually to the Local Economy

HUD High Performer

HUD's Public Housing Assessment System

Partner with RHA to Support Your Community

Partner With RHA

RHA will pursue effective partnerships with a broad range of mission-aligned organizations to build safer and stronger communities for our residents.

Become a Vendor

View postings on current or upcoming opportunities to work with us on projects including capital improvement, maintenance services and material supplies, or professional and administrative services.

Strong and Diverse Communities

Raleigh Housing Authority has a variety of neighborhoods throughout Raleigh. We are also updating current communities as well as creating new developments to bring safer and more secure spaces for residents. Our goal is to pursue and promote racial and social equity in our housing, community, and economic development efforts.

Come Work With Us!

Raleigh Housing Authority seeks new team members who are eager to make a difference in their community. If you are looking for more than just a job, but a place where you belong, can grow, and be part of a solution to the housing affordability crisis, we have a place for you.

News & Press

We’re Here To Serve You

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us!

900 Haynes Street
Raleigh NC, 27604

(919) 831-8300

Contact Us