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RAD Waiting List Opening Notice (Updated 9/12/2022)

RHA has opened a new waiting list and is now accepting applications for the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)/Project Based Voucher (PBV) program.

Applications are accepted Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM at 900 Haynes Street, Raleigh, NC 27604.

Qualifications for RAD/PBV applicants include:

  • Households must income qualify by having an annual income that falls within established income limits (0-50% AMI).
  • Households must meet citizenship/eligible immigrant status.
  • Households must meet criminal and credit screening criteria listed in the Administrative Plan.

All sections of the application including signature and date lines must be completed in order to be accepted. No one will be discriminated against based on protected class status including race, color, age, religion, sex, familial status or disability.

All applications that were current and on RHA’s public housing waiting list as of August 1, 2022 have been automatically added to the new project based voucher waiting list. These applications have been added based on the date and time of the original housing application. RAD/PBV is a subsidized housing program featuring monthly rents based upon a percentage of the household’s adjusted gross income. Unlike the Housing Choice Voucher program, project based voucher recipients will not need to locate a landlord. Instead, recipients will be assigned to an appropriately sized apartment within a complex owned and managed by RHA.

Each waiting list is operated independently and these additions will not impact an applicant’s status on any other RHA waiting list. Applicants wishing to update or remove an application from a waiting list must notify the Agency. Communications can be directed to RHA: in writing to 900 Haynes Street, Raleigh, NC 27604, by email to, and by fax to (919) 831-6160.