Redevelopment          Participants         Residents          919.831.8300

Become a Vendor

New Vendor Instructions

If you are interested in working with Raleigh Housing Authority, you may register as a new vendor.

Once the form is completed, submit the New Vendor Registration Form, Business Section 3 Questionnaire, a W-9, and a current Certificate of Liability Insurance. You can submit your documentation in one of the three following ways.

Mail or Drop Off

Raleigh Housing Authority
Attn:  Procurement Division
900 Haynes Street
Raleigh, NC  27604


(919) 831-6173


We will keep your company information and areas of interest on hand and send you notifications when bid opportunities arise, or you may find notifications of bids by clicking here on the Bid Status link.

We’re Here To Serve You

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us!

900 Haynes Street
Raleigh NC, 27604

(919) 831-8300

Contact Us