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Project-Based Vouchers

About the Project-Based Voucher Program

Raleigh Housing Authority’s (RHA) Project-Based Vouchers (PBV) program works to increase high-quality, affordable housing opportunities in healthy and revitalizing neighborhoods throughout the City of Raleigh. RHA seeks to partner with developers and property owners to create affordable rental housing units for various levels of income to support economic opportunity and healthy lives for our clients.

Public housing agencies may “project base” up to 20% of their Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) funding. The term project-based means that the assistance is linked to a particular property, as opposed to tenant-based vouchers, which move with the family. More than 400,000 vouchers could be project-based nationwide, but fewer than 100,000 units now have project-based voucher (PBV) assistance. About 500 of the 2,300 Housing Authorities that administer HCVs currently operate PBV programs.

PBVs are allocated to RHA Board-approved developments to create affordable housing opportunities for Raleigh’s citizens through a competitive application process. RHA creates the long-term housing opportunity for a given number of units in a residential property with a 20-year Housing Assistance Payments contract.

RHA posted a Public Notice in early 2024 to solicit proposals from property owners and developers for participation in our PBV program. The program attaches rental subsidies to multifamily properties that are either newly constructed, rehabilitated, or existing and in good condition, and located within RHA’s jurisdiction. Details can be found in the PBV Request for Proposals.

The RFP closed March 31, 2024. Notification was posted once all vouchers were conditionally awarded.

Participation in the PBV Program requires compliance with Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) requirements.

Additional information on the PBV Program can be located below.

Residents and Applicants:  Please note that if you are a resident of an RHA public housing community or are looking for affordable housing, you must apply through the RHA Wait List portal once it is opened.

We’re Here To Serve You

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us!

900 Haynes Street
Raleigh NC, 27604

(919) 831-8300

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